Thursday, June 10, 2010

Team EvoX's New LoGo....!!!!!

Team EvoX after a long wait, Finally Proudly Presents it's New Logo !!!

3 Months in the making that along with Huge Fights & Long Arguments made this LoGo Making a Fight in itself, but finally we have our new Logo...phew...!!!

Some 10 Logos were designed by various Animators of Team EvoX, Almost all of them were fantastic in their own way but 1 had to be chosen.

Many Thankx to EvoX.B.CoOl (Apna Sardar - Harkiran Singh) and our old friend Hozeel Golmei for the Finalized LoGo....!!!!

Team EvoX heart fully thanks them both.

In The Pic - The LoGo

Stay Tuned For More !!


  1. sexy !!!!!! and dominating !!!

  2. good one..lots of plugins used for making for evox logo like riot gear..

  3. This is What we Represent!!! Agression with Precission!!!!
